"Spiritual Ethics" Class
Have you ever worked in a situation where your boss was doing things that were unethical, dishonest, or downright harmful to others?
Were you expected to participate in selling products or services that did not actually do what they said they did, were overpriced, or were unnecessary?
Yet in order to keep your job, were you expected to comply with policies that were not in alignment with your code of morality?
Worse yet, did you have to meet certain quotas or profit margins or you might be in danger of having to pay money back to the company from your paycheck or of losing your job altogether?
Have you ever done something to another or to yourself that you knew was wrong on some level just to maintain a friendship or to impress someone?
Have you ever been uncomfortable with behavior your mate has requested of you but done it anyway from fear of losing your mate?
In a variety of work-related, friendship, and familial relationship situations:
● learn how to get clear on exactly what you believe to be morally right and wrong,
● learn to define what you are willing and not willing to do,
● learn to work through any fears of vindictive reactions, repercussions, or retaliations,
● learn to trust G-D and to operate from an abundance mentality (rather than from a scarcity or
lack mentality) such that when you make the higher moral choice, those who are out of
integrity will be weeded out of your life and replaced by those who are of your level or of a
higher level of integrity,
● learn how to create your dreams without selling your soul, prostituting yourself in any way, or
compromising your integrity,
● learn to operate from service and humility rather than from profit margins and manipulation,
● learn to cooperate with and to honor fellow practitioners rather than competing.
Were you expected to participate in selling products or services that did not actually do what they said they did, were overpriced, or were unnecessary?
Yet in order to keep your job, were you expected to comply with policies that were not in alignment with your code of morality?
Worse yet, did you have to meet certain quotas or profit margins or you might be in danger of having to pay money back to the company from your paycheck or of losing your job altogether?
Have you ever done something to another or to yourself that you knew was wrong on some level just to maintain a friendship or to impress someone?
Have you ever been uncomfortable with behavior your mate has requested of you but done it anyway from fear of losing your mate?
In a variety of work-related, friendship, and familial relationship situations:
● learn how to get clear on exactly what you believe to be morally right and wrong,
● learn to define what you are willing and not willing to do,
● learn to work through any fears of vindictive reactions, repercussions, or retaliations,
● learn to trust G-D and to operate from an abundance mentality (rather than from a scarcity or
lack mentality) such that when you make the higher moral choice, those who are out of
integrity will be weeded out of your life and replaced by those who are of your level or of a
higher level of integrity,
● learn how to create your dreams without selling your soul, prostituting yourself in any way, or
compromising your integrity,
● learn to operate from service and humility rather than from profit margins and manipulation,
● learn to cooperate with and to honor fellow practitioners rather than competing.
Day & DatePlease call Karen
(734) 417-9511 for mutually agreeable days/times *Registration REQUIRED at least one week before class.
Time & Location3 hour class
Ann Arbor, MI May also be taken as a private session. |
Contact Karen for fee when taken as a private session. |