"Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher" Training
If you are passionate about helping people to do their own work in the world and to be the very best that they can be, then this course, this path, is for you. If "it does not get better than that" when you help people overcome obstacles that have been plaguing them for a lifetime, to master themselves and to attain mastery at a very core level, then this course, this path, is for you. If learning how to skillfully balance all the priorities in your life, all the people you love, your health, your profession, and your income is essential in your value system, such that you are not emphasizing one at the expense of another, then this course, this path, is for you.
This course is interactive. It is about intimacy with yourself and others. It is about your own self-healing. Many people feel they have not been seen, have not been heard, have not been acknowledged, have not been validated, and have not been honored. This course is about working through any attachment difficulties that could prevent you from making healthy attachments to G-D, to yourself, and to your clients, such that clients can see themselves through your loving eyes, the way that they were originally created by G-D.
It can take years for that love, self-love, self-acceptance, self-worth to be fully integrated by clients, and it comes from your loving reflection. Learn how to teach with love, be with love, and to facilitate others' self-healing with love. In order to assist others, facilitating their personal growth, you have to have done an enormous amount of work on yourself. Yes, it takes years of concentrated work depending on how deep your wounds are and how much work is left for you to do.
If students trigger you and/or bring up wounding where you have issues of your own, you cannot take them "there." If you are failing in any areas of self-care, in working through your low-vibrational emotions, in trusting your own inner voice and guidance, how can you expect to help others to do so? If you are not living your Soul’s Purpose and earning a living doing so in integrity, then how can you expect to help others to reach their potentials and fulfill their destinies in integrity?
It is a life-changing decision to become a Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher, for yourself and for your students. You journey through the Tree of Life, with myriad opportunities to grow and ascend, each and every time you lead others through.
This is not for everybody. This can be a tough road. This is for people who are committed to constantly working on themselves and their issues and to helping other people do the same.
Therefore, depending on the classes you have taken, the progress you have made, the awareness you have achieved with regard to personal issues, it may be time for you to consider receiving training to be a Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher. If so, please call and we can mutually determine if, in fact, this is an appropriate time and you are ready to take this step.
Prerequisites that must be completed for "Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher" Training:
Highly recommended (and for some may be required) completion of:
Recommended (and for some may be required) completion of:
(as deemed necessary upon review; may be completed while taking the Kabbalah courses)
Program Options
Depending on how many courses you wish to take, or have already taken, this training to be a Clair-Ascension Kabbalah Teacher could take anywhere from 3 to 6 ½ years.
Option A
You may wish to complete the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:
Altogether, the above "minimum requirements" comprise an approximately 3 to 3 ½ year curriculum to fulfill the minimum requirements to be a Clair-Ascension Kabbalah Teacher.
Option B
Or, you may wish to progress further and complete ALL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS:
"All the above requirements" constitute an approximately 6 ½ year curriculum to completely fulfill the requirements to be a Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher.
This course is interactive. It is about intimacy with yourself and others. It is about your own self-healing. Many people feel they have not been seen, have not been heard, have not been acknowledged, have not been validated, and have not been honored. This course is about working through any attachment difficulties that could prevent you from making healthy attachments to G-D, to yourself, and to your clients, such that clients can see themselves through your loving eyes, the way that they were originally created by G-D.
It can take years for that love, self-love, self-acceptance, self-worth to be fully integrated by clients, and it comes from your loving reflection. Learn how to teach with love, be with love, and to facilitate others' self-healing with love. In order to assist others, facilitating their personal growth, you have to have done an enormous amount of work on yourself. Yes, it takes years of concentrated work depending on how deep your wounds are and how much work is left for you to do.
If students trigger you and/or bring up wounding where you have issues of your own, you cannot take them "there." If you are failing in any areas of self-care, in working through your low-vibrational emotions, in trusting your own inner voice and guidance, how can you expect to help others to do so? If you are not living your Soul’s Purpose and earning a living doing so in integrity, then how can you expect to help others to reach their potentials and fulfill their destinies in integrity?
It is a life-changing decision to become a Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher, for yourself and for your students. You journey through the Tree of Life, with myriad opportunities to grow and ascend, each and every time you lead others through.
This is not for everybody. This can be a tough road. This is for people who are committed to constantly working on themselves and their issues and to helping other people do the same.
Therefore, depending on the classes you have taken, the progress you have made, the awareness you have achieved with regard to personal issues, it may be time for you to consider receiving training to be a Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher. If so, please call and we can mutually determine if, in fact, this is an appropriate time and you are ready to take this step.
Prerequisites that must be completed for "Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher" Training:
- "Beginning Kabbalah: Kabbalah Miracles"
- "Kabbalah Immersion Ascension"
- "Kabbalah Pathworking Through the Tree of Life"
- "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Private Sessions with Karen Greenberg
- "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Training with Karen Greenberg
- Certification as a "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Certified Practitioner from Karen Greenberg
Highly recommended (and for some may be required) completion of:
Recommended (and for some may be required) completion of:
- "Secret Pathways Through the Tree of Life" (including 16 ABYSS CROSSINGS)
(as deemed necessary upon review; may be completed while taking the Kabbalah courses)
- "Parenting, Teaching, Coaching, and Working with the Indigos" Class
- "Spiritual Ethics" Class
- "Cultivating a Personal Relationship with G-D" Class
- "Surrendering: Overcoming Resistance & Rebelliousness" Class
- "Building Your Business Spiritually" Class
- "Abundance and Prosperity" Class
- "Creating Your Ideal Mate" Class (helps existing relationships, too)
- "Repatterning & Clearing Limiting Beliefs, Thoughts, Attitudes, & Patterns" Class
- "Clearing Low-Vibrational Emotions Quickly" Class
- "Eating for Emotional Reasons and How To Do It Differently" Class
- "Connecting with Various G-D Names/Aspects: Heavenly Travel" Class
- "Healthy Boundaries" Class
- "Heightening Your Vibration: Alchemy" Class
- "Myriad of Meditations" Class
- "Private Kabbalah for Couples" Course
- "Kabbalah for Indigos" Course
- "Connecting with Archangels" Class
- "Connecting with Angels" Class
- "Instilling Holy Geometry" Class
- "Clearing (Houses, Buildings, Grounds, People, Animals)" Class
- "Spiraling into Infinity" Class and/or Training
Program Options
Depending on how many courses you wish to take, or have already taken, this training to be a Clair-Ascension Kabbalah Teacher could take anywhere from 3 to 6 ½ years.
Option A
You may wish to complete the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:
- "Beginning Kabbalah: Kabbalah Miracles"
- "Kabbalah Immersion Ascension"
- "Kabbalah Pathworking Through the Tree of Life"
- Aforementioned Corequisites listed above (as deemed necessary upon review)
- "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Private Sessions with Karen Greenberg
- "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Practitioner Training with Karen Greenberg
- Certification as a "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Certified Practitioner from Karen Greenberg and
- "Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher" Training
Altogether, the above "minimum requirements" comprise an approximately 3 to 3 ½ year curriculum to fulfill the minimum requirements to be a Clair-Ascension Kabbalah Teacher.
Option B
Or, you may wish to progress further and complete ALL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS:
- All the Kabbalah courses: ("Beginning Kabbalah: Kabbalah Miracles," followed by "Kabbalah Immersion Ascension," "Kabbalah Pathworking Through the Tree of Life," "Advanced Kabbalah," "Soul's Purpose Kabbalah," "Secret Pathways Through the Tree of Life")
- All the Aforementioned Corequisites (as deemed necessary upon review)
- "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Private Sessions with Karen Greenberg
- "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Practitioner Training with Karen Greenberg
- Certification as a "D.O.V.E. Divine Original Vibration Embodiment System Toward Inner Peace and Enlightenment" Certified Practitioner from Karen Greenberg and
- "Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher" Training
"All the above requirements" constitute an approximately 6 ½ year curriculum to completely fulfill the requirements to be a Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher.
Day & DatePlease call Karen
(734) 417-9511 to determine readiness. *Registration REQUIRED at least one week before class.
Time & Location
Ann Arbor, MI |
InvestmentAll prerequisite and corequisite courses and classes must be completed and paid for prior to the "Clair-Ascension®
Kabbalah Teacher" Training. "Clair-Ascension® Kabbalah Teacher" Training - $777 + materials. Payment Plans available! |